Friday, November 16, 2012

The Pygmalion Complex by Elaine Gordon

Title: The Pygmalion Complex
Author: Elaine Gordon
Info: Website 
Release Date: July 1st, 2011
Publisher: KWS Publisher
Pages: 315
Format: Electronic Copy
Acquired: From Publisher
Age Group: Adult

When she learns that her husband is divorcing her to marry his pregnant mistress, Romana leaves her home in Chicago and moves to New York. There she meets Kent Cunningham, a fashion designer who recognizes, under Romana’s somewhat dowdy suburban exterior, both her beauty and her potential. The two eventually fall for each other, but their love is thwarted by an insurmountable hurdle

 Honestly, I wish I had some sort of in-depth and thoroughly thought out review for this book. But in all honesty, I was struggling through it a lot. The main characters were not likeable at all - Romana seems to be exceptionally good at complaining - and the whole story felt...discombobulated.

I almost didn't finish it and here's why: I have a lot of books to get through and not to mention school. So, when I pick up a book and plan to read it and review it I want to pick something up that I can get through pretty quick and that will leave me wishing the story hadn't ended and wondering where I could get more of the characters.

This book did none of that for me. I was racing to the end and waiting for something big to happen, which to me seemed like that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

I once heard someone try to compare this novel with Jackie Collins, and all I have to say to that is no. Any book written by Jackie Collins lives in a completely different universe than this book.

I wish there had been more depth and more feelings. I wish there had been something that could keep me coming back for more, but all it did was leave a sour taste in my mouth. And I hate how bad this review is coming up. I tried to like it, I really did, but there was no connection.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend reading this book, but if you are really curious go for it.

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